New Projects!

I am working on a lace shawl design. It’s taking a bit, since I just can’t make up my mind which one of the two ideas to go with LOL eventually I will get past this and get going, I know.

Until then I have this new project to keep me occupied!

I know we all have these tiny odd balls of leftovers around the house. I can’t bring myself to throw them out, but they are not really enough to “do” anything with…


Usually I make ric rac trim out of them. Here is some hanging on my lamp until I have cards made up again to wind them on.


So I was sitting here the other night, playing around and after I ran out of yarn for the charity blanket. I was thinking of granny squares and if it would have been better to make a bunch of squares for the blanket, instead of going for the one giant one…. then I though well why not make granny daughters? You need even less yarn for one of those….that way I can make more use of the little bits I have… so while musing like this, I remembered something called a yoyo a friend of mine made years ago.

I made a few and fell in love!

Yes, I know there are tons of leftover projects like the brand new and ever-so-popular hexipuff blanket (<—- really cute, but not really me) or the sock yarn blankets (<– also really pretty, but soooo not me!)  that you knit little squares for. But none of them really spoke to me. I didn’t like the hexipuffs, because they were only tied together as I understand it. So you will have holes in the blanket. I’m also not a fan of having things a gazillion other people have LOL (one of the reasons I haven’t read “The help”.. everybody is reading it) The sock yarn blankets are nice. Not sure why I never got into knitting those. I have really no idea….I guess the reason might be that I don’t have enough sock yarn leftovers. I have different sized yarn left and want to use them all. This way I can.

Now, this yoyo thing is not a new idea either. I am aware that a bunch of other people probably made these and have them at home.. but it’s POLKA DOTS! How can I resist something spotted? I can’t that’s that!
This is not going to be a charity project. I am making them out of my private stash of leftover yarns. Yep, I’m totally selfish on this one! 😀

I start by making a “knot” in the yarn and working a ch2 and 15 dc in the ring of the knot. That way I can really cinch the centre tight and won’t have holes. Then I leave a long-ish tail to sew them together and presto! 🙂

Storing the yoyo's in a Mason Jar


I make the yoyo’s always the same. knot, ch2, 15dc, but I use all the leftover, machine-washable yarns I have at hand and matching hooks. So they turn out different sizes. Can’t wait to see the finished result! I have a bit of a problem making up my mind if I want them sewn together through both loops, or just through the back loop, which would leave a little “ring” around the yoyo…. aaahhh decision, decisions!

I will keep you posted on this one!

Maybe a regular Monday update for it?  What say you?

I made a little tutorial for the knotted beginning of these little guys.. just in case you want to yoyo-along! I will put it all together and upload the pictures tomorrow… 🙂

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