Review: A Discovery of Witches

A Discovery of Witches
A Discovery of Witches by Deborah Harkness
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

What a book!
I loved every minute of it! EVERY MINUTE!!!!
I adore the way the author paints pictures with her words! I could not put this book down at most parts and was incredibly sad when I was done. You know it was a good book, when you have a feeling like you lost a friend after you turn the last page!
I cannot say enough about the writing style of Mrs. Harknesse! She is a magician with words. I can pinpoint the exact moment when I fell in love with this book: The scene where Diana is rowing for the first time in the book! Oh my goodness! I felt the air on my face and the exhilaration of flying along the water in the boat!

What a ride this book was from the first page to the last, really! I am so going to see if I can get the other books in this series! I hope they are as good as this one!

The characters are all absolutely believable and to the most part you will fall in love with them!

If you like Witches, Vampires and Demons in stories, PLEASE do yourself a favor and read this one! The story is great as is the writing! This is definitely a “read more then once” book for me!

Thank you so much, Mrs. Harkness, for taking me to all these wonderful places and letting me meet all these wonderful creatures!

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